This Is The Odd Process People Use To Add Everyday Sounds To Your Favorite Movies
%Seated in the fold-out seats of a crowded movie theater, many of us are too focused on the big picture to notice all of the individual elements that make up a single film. While we may flock to a movie because it stars our favorite actors and actresses, acting and dialogue are only a few parts of creating a believable, engaging cinematic experience. Woven into the fabric of almost every film are sound effects recorded behind the scenes that you hardly notice because you hear them every single day. Watching the pros add these vital crashes, bangs, and booms to movies is a pretty cool experience.
Sound engineers reproduce everyday noises for not just films, but also video games, computer programs, and other forms of media in what"s known as the Foley Without these background noises being recorded after filming is through, scenes would feel The sounds made by props actually used by performers can"t be captured accurately ..